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Berichten die geplaatst zijn door De gekke striplezer

  1. Zeg niet meer dat het niet kan:

    in Iran ligt Internet al vier dagen plat.

    Er wordt wel eens gelachen met mensen die hun voorzorgen nemen voor als internet uitvalt, maar het kan wel.

    En het kan altijd gemakkelijker, want het wordt altijd meer en meer gecentraliseerd.




    Oorspronkelijk was internet ontworpen en toch e-mail om gedecentaliseerd te worden gebruikt. Berichten kunnen via verschillende routers naar hun bestemming worden geleid.

    Maar de bedrijven die erachter zitten willen zo veel mogelijk winst maken en zo weinig mogelijk kosten, en daardoor zitten ze voortdurende meer te doen met minder installateis.

    Wie heeft er tegenwoordig nog een secundaire DNS geïnstalleerd voor zijn internetverbinding?


    Maar daardoor wordt het dus altijd gemakkelijker om internet over grote gebieden volledig lam te leggen.

    Dat kan zowel doordat ISP's meer geld willen van de klanten, en daarom verbindingen uitschakelen, als omdat vakbonden meer willen krijgen van de ISP's, en daarom staken, als omdat staten de controle willen over wat de inwoners op internet doen, en daarom internet uitschakelen.

    Maar het kan ook door ongelukken, of omdat de elektriciteit uitvalt.

  2. On 8/25/2019 at 1:44 PM, Ambreville said:

    Ik ben wel benieuwd, als duidelijk Vandersteen liefhebber, of volgend album je ook een variant lijkt op een Vandersteen verhaal.




    Ik zal maar even in het midden laten welk. De uitwerking is anders, maar het basisidee lijkt rechtstreeks uit een Suske en Wiske te komen.



    Bijbel, Noah, auteur onbekend.

  3. 3 hours ago, kurisu74 said:

    Maar die Nederlandstalige uitgave van De ijstrein is al 20 jaar oud, de nieuwe editie en de aanvullende delen zijn nooit vertaald, dus ja dan verkopen ze slecht he, als ze niet bestaan.

    Ik wist niet eens dat ermerr dan één deel was. Het was een van die grafphic novels uit de tijd dat we hier nog niet echt wisten wat een graphic novel is.

  4. Je zou denken dat statenz o groot en rijk zijn, dat ze absoluut beveiligd zijn tegen ransomware en dat soort grappen.


    Maar er komen regelmatig berichten binnen over staten en overheidsinstellingen die het slachtoffer zijn van virussen


    nog eentje




    Texas government organisations hit by ransomware attack


    Hackers have infected 23 organisations connected to local government in the US state of Texas with ransomware.

    Officials indicated the attack over the weekend was co-ordinated.

    The Texas Department of Information said the attack had primarily affected smaller local government departments.

    A spokesman said the situation was still ongoing on Monday morning.

    Texan authorities have drafted in cyber-security experts, as well as the military and counter-terrorism units, to help bring systems back online.

    In a statement, the Texas Department of Information Resources said evidence suggested the attacks "came from one single threat actor".

    Officials did not release specific details of the affected departments or say whether the cyber-criminals had specified a ransom amount.

    Ransomware is a type of malicious software that cyber-criminals use to disable a computer and its data until a ransom is paid.


    Hackers have targeted a number of US states this year, paralysing government computers in New York, Maryland and Florida.

    In May, hackers seized control of thousands of government computers in Baltimore.

    The attack disabled email accounts and prevented online payments to city departments for weeks.


    How have cities dealt with ransomware attacks?

    Officials in Baltimore refused to pay the ransom, opting instead to manually process thousands of transactions, including home sales.

    They also slowly restored access to around 10,000 employee email accounts.

    The city estimated losses of around $18m (£15m) from the attack.

    The hackers originally demanded $100,000 worth of Bitcoin.

    Other cities have chosen to pay.

    In June, council leaders in Riviera Beach, Florida, voted to pay almost $600,000 in the digital currency Bitcoin to hackers who paralysed the city's computer systems for weeks.

    A week later, officials in Lake City, Florida paid hackers $500,000 following a similar ransomware demand.

    Lisa Forte, a partner at Red Goat Cyber Security, which specialises in cyber-security testing, said ransom payments left cities vulnerable to more attacks.


    She said: "Even if you do recover your data, your organisation will likely be added to a list on the dark web of 'organisations that pay ransoms'. This may lead to you being targeted again."


    Are cities becoming easy targets?

    Ransomware attacks are on the increase.

    Liron Barak, chief executive of cyber-security firm BitDam, said the complex structure of government departments often made them an easy target for hackers.

    She said: "In addition, local governments tend to communicate with a wide variety of businesses and individuals, with many of them being one-time contacts.

    "This makes them more vulnerable to attacks, as their employees don't know most of the contacts with whom they communicate, in person."

  5. Iedereen heeft het wel al meegemaakt met touchscreens: je raakt per ongeluk iets aan, en er verandert van alles waarvan je niet wilt da thet vrandert.

    Je bent nit de enige:


    De US Navy wil zelfs geen touchscreens meer op zijn schepen.



    The US Navy is replacing touch screen controls on destroyers, after the displays were implicated in collisions.

    Unfamiliarity with the touch screens contributed to two accidents that caused the deaths of 17 sailors, said incident reports.

    Poor training meant sailors did not know how to use the complex systems in emergencies, they said.

    Sailors "overwhelmingly" preferred to control ships with wheels and throttles, surveys of crew found.


    The US Navy reports looked into collisions involving the USS Fitzgerald in June 2017 and the USS McCain in August 2017.

    The Fitzgerald collided with a container ship near the Japanese mainland in an accident that killed seven sailors. The McCain was off the coast of Singapore when it hit a container ship, killing 10 of the Navy destroyer's crew.


    The incidents led to senior officers being charged with "negligent homicide". Others were dismissed from the service.

    Investigations found that both incidents were preventable and the result of "multiple failures".

    Strongly implicated in the collisions were the touch screen controls introduced on the destroyers.


    ervice news website USNI reported that Rear Adm Bill Galinis, who oversees US Navy ship design, said the control systems were "overly complex" because shipbuilders had little official guidance on how they should work.

    As a result, he said, the control systems on different ships had little in common, so sailors often were not sure where key indicators, such as a ship's heading, could be found on screens.

    In addition, he said, a fleet survey about attitudes to the display-driven controls was "really eye-opening".

    "We got away from the physical throttles, and that was probably the number one feedback from the fleet - they said, just give us the throttles that we can use," said Rear Adm Galinis.

    The survey showed a desire for wheels and throttles that, prior to the introduction of touch screens, were common across many different types of vessel.


    The US Navy was now developing physical throttle and wheel systems that can replace the touch screens, USNI said. The service plans to start the process of replacing touch screens in the summer of 2020.


  6. On 8/1/2019 at 5:15 AM, Kameraad Mauser said:

    Nieuwe studie: Vlaamse filosofen durven niet rechts te denken - KUL

    Filosofen zijn overwegend links. Dat hoeft volgens een nieuwe studie geen probleem te zijn. Wel problematisch is dat het tot zelfcensuur leidt: afwijkende conclusies worden begraven uit angst voor kritiek. ‘De wetenschap schiet zichzelf hiermee in de voet.’

    En dit is ook wat aan de gang is in de media, het culturele milieu en diverse industriële sektoren die geïnfecteerd zijn met het groene denken, niet enkel in de Vlaanders of West-Europa, maar doorheen de westerse wereld, zoals in de VS, Canada, Australië.

    Sedert mei '68 heeft die linkse meute zich kunnen nestelen in diverse maatschappelijke segmenten - onderwijs, media/journalistieke wereld, kunst, sport&cultuur, politiek, non profit, justitie - en grote delen van de maatschappij geïnfecteerd met gelijkheidsdenken, antikapitalisme, reactionair milieuconservatisme, zeer sterke drang naar supranationale entiteiten die volksnationale en volkssoevereine aspecten moeten kunnen elimineren (want dat zou leiden tot desastreuze militaire conflicten zoals WO II met nazisme en fascisme enz...volgens de pundits en planbureau-ideologen  :huh: ), grote voorstander van globalisme opgelegd vanuit een globale overheid/oligarchie, anti-vrije markt, voorstander van een sterk gereguleerde/gecentraliseerde planeconomie.

    Al wie een kritische tegenstem liet/laat horen werd en wordt nog steeds weggezet als een achterlijke provinciaal, die niets van de wereld begrijpt, een geborneerde kerktorenmentaliteit tentoonspreidend en waarschijnlijk ook wel een cryptonazi zijnde. Een vuil, smerig extreem-rechts monster. Dat moet geweerd worden.

    En daarom is het gerechtvaardigd om censuur toe te passen en persvrijheid aan banden te leggen onder het mom van: bestrijding van fake nieuws, haatspraak tegengaan, nationalisme bestrijden, auteursrecht ( artikel 13 ).
    "Want indien we dit niet doen dan komen we opnieuw terecht in nazi-toestanden, kolonialisme en genocide!" :wacko:                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Regressief links, zo reactionair-conservatief als de pest. Seculier katholiscisme als je wil. Zoals Nietzsche het al eerder wist zeggen: democratie en socialisme zijn  de ware erfgenamen van het christendom. Armoede en servitude.

    Weg ermee.




    Een citaat uit dat artikel



    “Opvallend is wel dat de studie toont dat links zichzelf ook wel eens durft op te eten”, zegt Boudry. “Gematigd linkse filosofen zeggen vijandigheid te ervaren omdat ze niet links genoeg zijn. Dat zie je niet bij rechts. Dat onevenwicht is toch ontluisterend.”

    Dazt iis mijn ervarng. als je voor sommignen niet links genoeg bent, wordt je al gauw in de rechts hoek gezet en kun je een rechtse krijgen. :lachuuh:


  7. Jullie zullenondertussen allemaal wel al weten dat meer en meer mensen weglopen van FB.

    Maar doorat ze het vervangen door Whatsapp, Instagram en Isntant Messenger, komenz e van de regen in de drup.

    In al die gevallen zit FB erachter, en de nadelen van FB gelden dus ook voor die teopassingen.

    FB had bij de overname van dei drie toepassingen belooft ze hun eigen karakater en onafhankelijkheid te laen behouden, maar ze beginnen ze ook naa relkaa toe te laten groeien.

    Whatsapp, Instant Messenger en Instagram zullen dus binnenkort samenklonteren tot een supertoepassingen die misschien nog grote rowrdt dan FB, en daardoor misschien nog meer politieke macht kan vergaren.

  8. Drivers die door Microsoft zijn goedgekeurd voor gebruik met Windows zijn in heel wat gevallen toch niet veilig.


    Er werden gebreken gevondne in meer dan 40 drivers van minstens 20 verschillende hardwarebedrijven.


    DIe drivers werden door die bedrijven aan MS aangeboden, en MS zei na controle dat ze veilig waren.


    Er is “access to the hardware resources, such as read and write access to processor and chipset I/O space, Model Specific Registers (MSR), Control Registers (CR), Debug Registers (DR), physical memory and kernel virtual memory. This is a privilege escalation as it can move an attacker from user mode (Ring 3) to OS kernel mode (Ring 0).”


    Door de fouten kan zelfs de UEFI worden aangetast, zelfs na herinstalleren van het OS.


    Elke geteste driver was ondertekend door een Certificate Authority en had goedkeuring van Microsoft


    Dat moet zowat her ersgst veiligheidsschandaal zijn sinds die veiligheidsproblemen met microprocessors van Intel en Amd van een jaar of twee, dire geleden.





    Eclypsium, an Oregon security company, claims that drivers on Microsoft’s Windows platform are a security mess. Who could have guessed? Their researchers found serious flaws in more than 40 drivers from at least 20 different hardware vendors. Apparently every single one of these vulnerabilities allows the driver to hand over “access to the hardware resources, such as read and write access to processor and chipset I/O space, Model Specific Registers (MSR), Control Registers (CR), Debug Registers (DR), physical memory and kernel virtual memory. This is a privilege escalation as it can move an attacker from user mode (Ring 3) to OS kernel mode (Ring 0).” Basically, complete control of the impacted machine. Not only that, these potentially allow malware to compromise your UEFI and persist across an operating system re-installation. They also add that not only do these drivers provide the necessary access, they also provide the mechanism to make changes. Scary stuff.

    What’s perhaps most interesting is that every driver they tested was signed by a Certificate Authority and had Microsoft’s stamp of approval on them. Tie that to the fact that you can no longer block updates on Home versions of Windows 10, and you’ve got one heck of a potentially serious problem. In other words, these impacted problematic drivers are almost certainly going to be installed on possibly millions of PCs. If you were thinking that you can just stick with Windows 7 to be safe from these vulnerabilities, sadly, all modern versions of Windows are impacted. You can block updates on Windows 7, however, that’s likely not a solution since there is a good chance you’re already running problematic drivers. You may also be later to receive a patch for older versions of Windows as the newest version is prioritized.

    How Windows Administrators feel about this issue
    Which Drivers?

    Issues were found in the code from every single major BIOS vendor, meaning your chances of avoiding these flaws are pretty dang low. Not only BIOS’ have issues though, they found problems with the following companies drivers:

        ASUSTeK Computer
        ATI Technologies (AMD)
        Micro-Star International (MSI)
        Phoenix Technologies
        Realtek Semiconductor

    This list is not exhaustive, and they say other firms are still under embargo at this point. That’s quite a few companies, and what this author finds concerning is that the UK has for years been saying that Huawei isn’t spying on the UK, instead they just have poorly written insecure code. While I’m not a security expert, this would suggest that these problems exist for more companies than just Huawei, and perhaps we need to re-examine security across the entire ecosystem. These vulnerabilities seem to demonstrate a complete failure of everyone involved in the PC world. Keep an eye out for BIOS/UEFI and driver updates over the next few months as your gear hopefully gets patched.


  9. Er is gewoon op alle niveaus van onze maatschappij veel te veel blnd vertrouwen ins sptitechnologie.




    He said: "I was given the line by Mercedes that if I double tap my key when locking the vehicle it will be safe as the key does not transmit. For me that was standard practice, I had known about this function, the key was on the third floor at the back of my house.


    "I believe people are being misled when manufacturers say vehicles are even more safe. According to my insurance there had been more than 10 cars stolen with keyless entry in my postcode in London alone , in that month."


    How keyless theft works


    Thieves, normally working in pairs, will target a car parked outside a house.


    One criminal will hold a device close to the car that boosts the signal meant for the key, while the other thief will stand close to the house with another device that relays that signal to the key, fooling the system.


    Once the cars have been stolen, they will be stripped for parts, police say.


    Car manufacturers have begun introducing new technologies to prevent keyless theft, such as motion detection technology.


    What Car? was unable to break into cars that had motion detection installed as a safety measure, however the technology is not available across the car market.

  10. 4 hours ago, linthout said:

    Geschrapte scène in de serie The Boys:

    Op een bepaald moment staat superheld Homelander on top of New York. Hij steekt zijn broek af en masturbeert zich boven New York. Dat is het.

    Dat ene beeld zegt toch ontzettend veel over dit figuur. Je kunt er al meteen honderd dingen over zijn karakter bij vertellen. Kwantiteit is hier niet nodig! Kwaliteit! 🙂



    Kwaliteit is masturberen met zicht op New York?

  11. On 6/26/2019 at 10:42 PM, marioboon said:



    En de "kritiek"dat Jan Kordaat een leeg karakter heeft of "kleurloos" is, zeg ik: "wel, vul hem dan met karakter! Maak hem interessant! Geef 'm kleur! Dat is letterlijk je job als stripmaker"


    Is Jan Kordaat wel zo leeg?

    Het is nogal typisch om dat soort kritiek te hebben op helden van tig jaar geleden, alsof de nieuwe gelden zoveel voller "ijn.

  12. The 'microworkers' making your digital life possible

    "I used to have an office but sadly I had to close it down," says former dentist Michelle Muñoz of her life amid crisis-hit Venezuela.

    With a collapsed economy and hyperinflation, "people don't have enough money to afford a dentist and have to worry about food, education and other things", she adds.


    Two years ago she swapped her dental practice for online work as part of the global army of hidden "microworkers" - performing tasks that machines alone cannot.


    Think of a day in your "digital life". Whether it's your phone's search engine recommending relevant restaurants or a music app's suggested playlist - none of this would be possible without microworkers.

    They help provide data for machine learning algorithms that are the basis of artificial intelligence (AI) by adding the human element.

    They might draw bounding boxes around footage of roads to teach driverless cars what a tree, obstacle or a moving person look like, or tag content with feelings so algorithms can learn what a "sad" song sounds like or whether a text or word is "worrying."

    This work often gets a bad press as it's seen as poorly paid, but for many it is a solution. Michelle says microworking has been her only way of earning an income: "I do much better with this than as a dentist."

    She tells the BBC of a good day when she earned about $80, which she used to buy the smartphone she now uses to work

    Back in 2005, Amazon's CEO Jeff Bezos called crowdsourced microwork the "artificial artificial intelligence" when he set up the Amazon


    Mechanical Turk (MTurk) the world's first crowdsourcing marketplace. It was named after an 18th Century hoax that fooled chess players into thinking they were competing against a machine, instead of the chess master hiding inside a large wooden box with a dummy on top.



    Amazon first used it to weed out millions of duplicate pages as computers could not notice subtle differences. But as no one person could do this, they broke it down into small tasks that could be completed by thousands of workers.



    There are no official numbers for how many microworkers there are, but tens of thousands are estimated to work on Amazon's MTurk every month, with up to 2,500 being active at any given time - mostly in the US and India.



    An International Labour Organisation (ILO) survey of 3,500 microworkers in 75 countries found the average age was 33 and a third were women, though this dropped to a fifth in developing countries

    Microworkers are also educated: fewer than 18% had a high-school diploma or less, 37% had a graduate degree, 20% a postgraduate degree; more than half specialised in science and technology, 23% in engineering and 22% in IT.

    For those in countries in crisis, microwork can be especially useful

    Yahya Ayoub Ahmed is a Syrian who fled the civil war and is now in the Darashakran refugee camp in Erbil, Iraq. In the camp, an organisation called Preemptive Love taught him the English and IT skills allowing him to become a microworker

    "You can use it remotely and generate income. Over here applying for a job is quite difficult, it's not like you can just Google a job," he says. "This allows you to work without having to apply and send a CV."

    But there is an extra hurdle for workers in countries like Iraq, as tasks are mainly aimed at developed countries, says Allen Ninous of Preemptive Love.

    "Most online crowdsourcing services restrict Iraqis from registering, and even if one could magically do so, there's no method of cashing out the wages since all withdrawals take place through a third party online banking system such as PayPal."

    So they have to resort to special agreements with firms to overcome this

    t is even harder for people who work on their own from home. Venezuelan microworker Rafael Pérez describes a similar situation of being filtered out of many tasks he sees being posted.

    He has also lost money many times from unscrupulous requesters who didn't pay him: "Once I earned $180 in 15 days - a lot of money - and they never paid. I emailed, I called - but you don't have anyone to complain to."

    Michelle says at the beginning she too fell for scams, but she now puts websites through a test period before working with them

    Microwork has come under scrutiny because of poor pay: the ILO found workers earned an average of $4.43 an hour. And while US workers earnt an average of $4.70 (still lower than the minimum wage) workers in Africa got just $1.33 an hour.

    And these figures don't take into account workers spending an average of 20 minutes on unpaid activities for every hour of paid work.

    This includes searching for tasks and answering test questions set by the requester for quality control. "I spend most of the day looking for tasks. Once one comes in, I have to sit down and do it," says Rafael.



    Rafael says on a good day he can make about $8-10 a day. It means he can buy a small box of eggs, a kilo of cornflour and a kilo of beans. "You will not live very well, but you will eat well," he says.

    Professor Paola Tubaro of CNRS, France's national scientific research centre, says microworking is not a temporary phenomenon but structural to the development of new technologies like AI.



    "Even if machines learn, say, how to recognise cats and dogs, you still need to feed them more details to recognise." As these technologies expand so will the need for people to feed in the data, she says.



    Currently there is no government regulation of microwork platforms, though the ILO has called for better regulation of the sector to ensure minimum wages and better payments transparency, are met.







    Capital One data breach: Arrest after details of 106m people stolen

    The personal details of about 106 million individuals across the US and Canada were stolen in a hack targeting financial services firm Capital One, the company has revealed.


    The alleged hacker, Paige Thompson, was arrested on Monday after reportedly boasting about the breach online.


    Capital One said the data included names, addresses and phone numbers of people who applied for its products.


    But the hacker did not gain access to credit card account numbers, it said.


    The data breach is believed to be one of the largest in banking history.

    How many people have been affected?


    Capital One is a major credit card issuer in the US and also operates retail banks.


    The firm said in a statement released on Monday that the breach affected approximately 100 million individuals in the US and 6 million people in Canada.


    The statement added that about 140,000 social security numbers and 80,000 linked bank account numbers were compromised in the US.

    In Canada, about one million social insurance numbers belonging to Capital One credit card customers were also compromised.

    The hack was identified on 19 July.


    Capital One said the hacker was able to "exploit" a "configuration vulnerability" in the company's infrastructure.

    Aside from names and dates of birth, the hacker also managed to obtain credit scores, limits, balances, payment history and contact information.


    How has Capital One reacted?


    Capital One said it was unlikely the information was used for fraud but it would continue to investigate the breach.


    The company will notify those affected and will provide them with free credit monitoring and identity protection.

    Chairman Richard Fairbank said in a statement: "While I am grateful that the perpetrator has been caught, I am deeply sorry for what has happened.


    "I sincerely apologise for the understandable worry this incident must be causing those affected and I am committed to making it right. "
    What do we know about the alleged hacker?


    The US justice department has confirmed it has arrested a former Seattle technology company software engineer in connection with the breach.


    Ms Thompson, 33, was arrested on Monday on charges of computer fraud and abuse. She made an initial appearance in federal court in Seattle.


    A hearing has been scheduled for 1 August.


    Court documents claim she boasted about the data breach on an online forum.


    A statement by the US attorney's office in Washington said: "On July 17 2019, a GitHub user who saw the post alerted Capital One to the possibility it had suffered a data theft."


    Ms Thompson faces a maximum sentence of five years in prison and a $250,000 (£204,713) fine.


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