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8 uren geleden, SPeeDy zei:

Het lijkt me interessant om een aparte thread te hebben over lopende crowdfundings. 


Als ik deze bv. eerder geweten had, had ik misschien wel meegedaan: 






Je kan alsnog meedoen met die Zodiac!




For those who have missed out on the Zodiac Dreams kickstarter or did not have a creditcard and would still like to pre-order a copy. You can still preorder one on my own website until the 5th of may: http://51895997.nl.strato-hosting.eu/zodia…/zodiacdreams.htm



The Sisterhood: [CCO] comic book series (creator, writer) ComicsForSinners [EIC] comic news website Boom Art Department: [CEO] Art Agency, Editor



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